Neither Electro nor CommunityAmerica will ever contact you asking for your account number, card number, zip code, password, PIN, passcode, or username. Additionally, will we never direct you to make a withdrawal from your account. If someone contacts you unexpectedly and requests this information, do not provide it, and do not follow instructions to withdraw money from your account.

Having up-to-date contact information on file ensures that we can reach you when needed. Please take a moment to make sure your contact information is up to date by stopping by a branch or calling us at 314.434.6470.

Fraud Prevention Center

Don't fall victim to fraud. Arm yourself with the knowledge to effectively prevent scam artists and identity thieves. These thieves utilize various methods such as phone calls, emails, text messages, postal mail, and other tactics to extract information or deceive unsuspecting consumers into parting with their money.


View NCUA's latest information on common frauds and scams

Frauds, Scams, and Cyber Threats - Part 1

Frauds, Scams, and Cyber Threats - Part 2